HOLIDAYS 2006 Newsletter

LUKE 17:3 Ministries

for adult daughters

of controlling or abusive birth-families

A sisterhood for those who seek support in developing self-esteem, setting boundaries and limits, forgiveness, Godly confrontation, recognizing and cutting ties with reprobates, healing, and rejoicing in the peace and love of

 the Lord, our Father

take heed to yourselves.  If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him……..Luke 17:3

Merry Christmas!  Happy Thanksgiving!  Happy New Year!


VOLUME 4,  ISSUE 4                                                                                                                           HOLIDAYS 2006


Luke 17: 3 is the scripture often misquoted, usually by an abuser or his enabler, when he tells you that the Bible says “Forgive and Forget”, or that you must forgive him because you  are a Christian.  However, Jesus is very specific when he tells us to rebuke the sinner, and if he repents, to forgive him.  Have you rebuked your abuser, and has he or she repented?


If you have ever experienced Adult Child Abuse by a parent, sibling, or other relative, We Welcome You!

Our newsletter is sent to you free-of-charge, as the Lord continually provides. Do you know someone who would like to be on our mailing list? 

If so, please contact:

Rev. Renee Pittelli

Luke 17:3 Ministries, Inc.

P.O. Box 684

ChestertownNY  12817

or E-mail us at:



Please ask about our Luke 17:3 Ministry in Tennessee, founded by Rev. Denise Rossignol.

Thank you Father, for the gift of your Son !

JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT WAS SAFE TO PUT UP THE CHRISTMAS TREE…..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 THE STRANGE PHENOMENA OF THE SURPRISE PRE-HOLIDAY CONTACT

BY Rev. Renee 


                Rev. Denise and I are sisters in spirit, heart, and truth.  Having both gone through the “Birth- Family Wars” together, we have learned that sometimes a little humor is the best medicine.   One of the things we love to kid each other about is that we can always tell when the holidays are coming because that’s when the relatives who haven’t spoken to us in years, or at least the better part of this year, start coming out of the woodwork!  Others of our dear sisters have confessed to being bewildered, puzzled, and amused by this annual autumn event, a ritual that has become as predictable in some of our lives as back-to-school shopping, football games, and Homecoming weekend!  

                 When the weather starts getting cooler and the days start growing shorter, and after the back-to-school rush is over- anywhere from mid-September on, our thoughts start turning to the coming holidays.  We might start planning ahead a bit.  We begin thinking about who we’ll be celebrating with, what gifts our loved ones might enjoy, where we might be spending this year’s winter vacation.  We might start our Christmas shopping, write out our cards, or bake and store a



Look at the nations and watch- and be utterly amazed.  For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told….Habakkuk 1:5


Therefore Israel will be abandoned until the time when she who is in labor gives birth and the rest of his brothers return to join the Israelites.  He will stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God.  And they will live securely, for then his greatness will reach to the ends of the earth.  And he will be their peace….Micah 5:3-5


In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.  The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.  After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down and the right hand of the Majesty in heaven….Hebrews 1:1-3


Hallelujah!  Our Savior is born!

few dozen cookies.

                Then, just when we think we can look forward to a nice, peaceful, joyful holiday season, during which we can relax and have fun spending time with our loved ones, just when we think that maybe this year we can enjoy ourselves without reliving painful memories or the stress of having to deal with abusers who are finally out of our lives, just when we think it’s safe to loosen up and let our guard down ……… ( I’m humming the Twilight Zone theme here!)……The Letter arrives in the mail.  Or The Phone Call comes.  Or The E-Mail shows up in our in-box.  Or God forbid, The Doorbell Rings

                And There They Are.  Back again, just when we thought it was finally over, just when we were moving on with our lives, just when the peace and happiness of never having to think about them again was sinking in.  It’s so bizarre that for a few moments we might find ourselves disoriented.  It’s like being all warm and snuggly, napping in front of the fire, dreaming a beautiful dream, and suddenly having a glass of ice water thrown in our faces when we least expect it.  An imperious royal summons demanding immediate attention!  The Christmas gift that keeps on giving- aggravation and anxiety, that is.

                Of course, our prayer is that this strange phenomena could be used to foster restoration and reconciliation, but unfortunately our estranged relatives rarely seem to be operating in that spirit when they pop up!  Instead, they seem to be “testing the waters” to see if we’ve “gotten over” our resolve to set limits on their behavior, so they can just pick up where they left off and resume the relationship without ever having to make any positive changes.  Better yet, some are giving US a chance to apologize to THEM for not allowing ourselves to be abused anymore!

                Intrusive as always, abusers, control-freaks and narcissists have a way of FORCING us to think about them and deal with them when that’s the last thing we want to do.  They force themselves on us when we least expect it, when our guard is down, or when they know we will be distracted or busy with other things, like holiday preparations.  Knowing that we are happy or excitedly anticipating a joyful event is their invitation to ruin as much of it as they can.  We feel our joy slipping away as the black cloud of remembering them and what they’ve done to us settles over our heads.

                When we finally get to the place in our healing where we have moved on, and are able to forget about them at last, they pop up again.  Because, although we have managed to forget about them- and, let’s face it- we are probably relieved, and even GLAD, that they are gone- they haven’t forgotten about US!  And for me, this is where the “creep factor” comes in.  I find it weird and disturbing to be the focus of someone I no longer think about, who may be planning ways to re-establish contact I’m no longer interested in.  Because they have proven themselves to be wicked, conniving, underhanded, treacherous, dishonest liars, I don’t trust my ex-relatives or their motives, so instead of welcoming the contact, I find myself wondering what they’re up to  now and what they really want.  But then, my family has actually stalked me, right up until the time I moved away (see the article “Why Don’t They Just Apologize?” on our website), so maybe they’re a bit creepier than most.

                Denise and I have had this peculiar, surprise pre-holiday “reunion” attempted on us numerous times, and so have many of our sisters.  Some of us had been disowned, snubbed, and not spoken to all year long- or for many years.  Some of us were screamed at, called names, and had doors slammed in our faces or phones slammed in our ears for trying to explain to our abusers how hurtful their behavior was and politely requesting some changes.  Some of us have had our abusers badmouth us both within and outside of the family, slandering us,  lying about us, blaming us for the broken relationship, ruining our reputations, and instigating others to criticize or ostracize us as well. We had done all we could do to make it work out, and many of us were hurt, or even devastated, when it didn’t.  Our family member made it abundantly clear that she never wanted to see us or speak to us again.  And that was how it ended….or so we thought.   Then, out of the clear blue, when we’ve finally calmed down and started enjoying our freedom, just as we’re gazing at the lovely autumn foliage with a nice, steaming cup of tea, the envelope with the vaguely familiar handwriting appears in our mailbox, or our caller-ID shows a phone number that we think we’ve seen before.   Could it be?  No, it can’t be.  Not after all this time!  Every thought from “Uh-oh” to “Why now?” flashes through our minds.  Is that first pot of mums or that pretty orange pumpkin that we just put out on our porch some kind of signal to our long-lost abusers?  In some demented way, do they think that the new “Welcome” mat we tossed in front of the door to catch the dried leaves on our shoes is some personal message directed at them? What exactly is going on here?

                Once the note is read, or the message is played back, we will be even more dumbfounded.  No apology will have been given, no humble request to talk things over will be included- in fact, there will most likely be no mention of the rift at all.  The message will be trite, perhaps asking us a question they suddenly “need” the answer to, or passing along some family news they “thought we would be interested in”, and contrived in such a way to get us to call or write back- for example, by omitting important details  ( for instance,“Thought you’d want to know Aunt Rose is in the hospital”- without telling what happened or what hospital she’s in).  It will be as if nothing had ever happened, as if we had been in touch all along and had a perfectly normal relationship all this time.   Sometimes I am absolutely astounded that they might actually expect us to answer them.

                It would be wonderful if the holidays could indeed be a catalyst for family reconciliation and restoration.  This is a dream in many of our hearts, and our abusers know us very well.  Many unscrupulous ex-relatives are well aware that we secretly harbor a wish for one big happy family (that we never had) sitting around the Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner table together.  They have no hesitation in using this vulnerability to manipulate us into agreeing to re-establish contact with them, just in time for the holidays.  Be assured, dear sister, that the timing of your “unexpected” contact is no coincidence.

                It helps to keep in mind that abusers do not love anybody but themselves.  It is highly unlikely that, after months, the entire year, several years, or many years, went by without our abusive relative realizing how much she loved us and missed us, all of a sudden, she loves and misses us so much that she wants us back in her life right now- and that epiphany just happens to coincide with the approaching holidays.  If we put her off until January, will she still be so interested?

                Selfishness is the defining trait of abusers, control- freaks, and narcissists-  it is  ALWAYS all about THEM, and their needs and desires.  It is never about us, and they are not trying to do anything nice for us.   Usually friendless and having few, if any, other relatives who will put up with her, our ex-relative is planning ahead for HER holidays, just like we are.  The contrived reunion is often a blatant ploy to wangle an invitation.  If it works, one wonders if our relative will still be speaking to us after the holidays are over, or if things will just go back to the way they were, now that she got what she wanted.

                If our abuser is less shortsighted, she may have a bigger picture in mind.  In that case, her perfectly timed surprise will be a clever manipulation- using guilt to pressure us to accept her back into the fold.   How could we refuse to welcome her on Christmas or Thanksgiving?  How could we still expect her to be accountable and change her offensive behavior?  After all, ’tis the season of “goodwill”.  Aren’t we ready to “let bygones be bygones?” Shouldn’t we “forgive and forget” during this Holy Season?

                Forgive?- yes, IF there has been repentance- but not necessarily reconcile (see the section on “Forgiveness” on our website).  Forget?- Not so fast- not until enough time has passed for our abuser to prove she really has changed.  A seat at the Thanksgiving dinner table?- unlikely, at least for this year.  Maybe next year, if it looks like the changes are permanent.  That is, if our abuser is still interested in trying to prove herself after the holidays are over and she no longer has anything to lose by reverting to type.

                When the “surprise” pre-holiday pop-up ploy is used, the last thing our long-lost relative expects is that we still intend to hold him accountable for what he has done.  He is deliberately timing his contact for around the holidays to catch us when he thinks we will be vulnerable.  He is counting on us being all warm and fuzzy and sentimental around the holidays.  We are supposed to be overjoyed that he is back in touch- not cautious, hesitant, or even suspicious.  We are supposed to welcome him with open arms, no questions asked, and no promise of change expected. 

                But the holiday season is not the time for us to ignore Jesus’ own words in the Gospel.  That would seem quite hypocritical.  During the holidays, as always, we refer to the Biblical model for forgiveness, which is repentance FIRST, THEN forgiveness (Luke 17:3).   Repentance is not a mere, and possibly meaningless, apology.  It is Godly sorrow, true remorse, and changing one’s life.

                 How wonderful it would be if our long-lost relative came to us in a true spirit of remorse and reconciliation- then maybe, just maybe, we actually could include him in our holiday celebrations this year, trusting that he has really changed and it is safe to restore the relationship- and to expose ourselves and our children to him once again.  Unfortunately, this will seldom be the case, since control-freaks and abusers typically refuse to humble themselves to make amends.  They will take offense at the notion that they have to prove they’ve changed, because in reality, they don’t believe they ever did anything wrong.

                So how can we tell?  It may take quite a while for us to be sure that an abuser has really changed.  Years of mistreatment are not erased by one nice conversation.  A lifetime of abuse is not erased by a few minutes, days, or even months, of proper behavior. There is nothing wrong with us if we are unable to trust someone who has a history of doing us wrong, based on a few halfway normal interactions.  We have every reason to fear being hurt again by this person, and every reason to expect it.  Jesus tells us to discern the spirit of a person by his fruit (Luke 6: 43-45, Matthew 7:17-20). It takes time to observe the fruit a person is producing in his life and to prayerfully consider what is being revealed to us.  A recently reformed abuser, if he is indeed reformed, does not have much of a track record yet.  Only time will tell- a significant amount of time, quite possibly a year or two.  (for more on this, see our articles in the section “Repenting and Apologies” on our website).

                Control freaks thrive on pulling our strings- getting us to jump just because they want us to.  Old habits die hard, and many of us were used to jumping when our long-lost relative summoned us.  But that was then, and this is now.  Major betrayals, rifts, and long estrangements change the dynamics of a relationship.  The only way to take control back from a control freak is to not allow her to control you any longer.  Time to grow up and see ourselves as adults, equal to every other adult, with the same rights and freedom as every other adult.   And that means NO MORE JUMPING! 

                Control freaks and abusers believe that we don’t have any say in our own relationships- they are the ones who make all the decisions.  In just about every aspect of life and relationships, they think they’re the boss!  If they decide we are no longer on speaking terms, then that’s that.  You and I have nothing to say about it.  And if they suddenly decide that our “punishment” is over, and it’s time to speak to each other again, then they just pick up that phone or ring that doorbell, like nothing ever happened, and expect us to go along with their decision, because we have no choice.  No thought is given to whether or not we welcome contact from them, because our wishes don’t matter, and never did.  They want it, they want it now, and they are used to always getting what they want.  As usual, it’s all about them.

                But they are wrong.  We do have a choice.  They’re not the boss, and now is the time to teach that lesson.  An estrangement is the perfect opportunity to break the pattern of our abuser making all the decisions and us just passively going along.  Obviously, he has contacted us because he now wants something from us, although it may not yet be obvious exactly what it is that he wants.  One lesson most of us have learned well from our abusers is that we can’t always get what we want (like a loving, respectful relationship), when we want it.  Now is the time for our abuser to learn that very same lesson from us.

                If he wants our cooperation, it will have to be on OUR terms, which means IF and WHEN and UNDER WHAT CONDITIONS we would be willing to resume contact.  When it is convenient for us to devote time to him, and if we so choose, we might hear him out.  If he has to wait a few months, so be it.  After we have confronted him about his behavior and observed his reaction, then we will need time to think and pray about it before we make any decisions. 

                 For a control freak or abuser, catching you off-guard and unprepared is an underhanded and devious way of getting you to talk to him, or to agree with whatever else he might want, without giving you a chance to think it over.  Which is precisely why you must buy yourself the time to think it over and pray about it.  When someone uses this tactic on you, you need to delay your response until you have taken AS MUCH TIME AS YOU NEED.

                When my estranged relatives have maneuvered their pre-holiday surprises, I have found the best response is to NOT respond- until AFTER THE HOLIDAYS.  The best way to protect myself and to be able to enjoy an aggravation-free holiday is to refuse to even think about those who have hurt me during the holidays.  My philosophy is that they have ruined enough holidays for me and my family- I’m not going to let them ruin any more.  I’m not going to give them even the tiniest place in my thoughts.  I’m finally having the kind of wonderful holiday that I always missed out on, praise the Lord, and they’re not getting another opportunity to intrude and mess things up.

                Whatever communication I get from ex-family members from September on, goes on the back burner till after the New Year.  Then I will give some thought to what, if anything, I want to do about it.  If I wish to write back or return the call, I can now devote sufficient distraction-free time to deciding how I’m going to handle it. 

                With some people, especially those with whom I might be interested in reconciling, I might let them know when they first pop up that I don’t have the time to devote any thought to their communication right now, and I’ll get back to them after the holidays, or whenever I can.  However, some people will not respect my need for time to think over what I want to do.  With such pushy people, I find it best to ignore their overtures and not respond at all until I’m ready to deal with them in depth (after New Year’s).  I figure they waited this long (and made me wait!) to “mend fences”, they can wait a little longer.  Those who were just fishing for a holiday invitation will lose interest in reconciling after the holidays, so at least I’ll know whether they were sincere or not.   And I’ll also be forewarned that they may try the same tactic again before another holiday season.  And then there are the truly evil, demonic relatives with whom I do not wish to reconcile EVER, and from whom I will always need to protect myself and my family.  They will never get a response from me at all, because there is nothing more to say!

                Refusing to allow others to upset you, pressure you, stress you out, intrude at inconvenient times, or disrupt what should be a joyful occasion, is an excellent example of setting boundaries.  One of my favorite sayings is “Just because the donkey brays, doesn’t mean you have to answer him!”  Someone who has offended you or caused you pain does not deserve for you to interrupt your life and pay attention to him NOW, just because he wants your attention NOW.  He can wait.  He is not entitled to intrude on your thoughts any time he wants to.  YOU are entitled to freedom from being manipulated into stressful circumstances.  YOU deserve a nice holiday, without having to deal with difficult people or situations.  YOU are entitled NOT to think about him when you don’t want to.

                We can often tell a lot about our abuser’s sincerity by observing her reactions when we hesitate.  We will recognize the same old controlling patterns re-surfacing if she becomes huffy, gets angry, pretends to be offended, lays on the guilt, pressures us, or tries to make us defensive.  If we see these responses to our uncertainty, then we know that nothing has really changed- and most likely, nothing will ever change.  That’s our cue to not walk, but run, in the other direction- because our abuser is showing that she has not learned a thing from our separation about the way she needs to treat us.  She still thinks she is completely justified and has every right to make demands on us.  The door we allowed to be opened a crack needs to be closed again, and nailed shut!

                On the other hand, if she respects our need to take some time and doesn’t pressure us, and if she is willing to put some effort into showing us how she has changed and that she understands she was wrong in what she was doing before, then maybe there’s some hope for a nice future relationship after all.  Maybe then a relationship can be forged in which everyone’s needs will be met, and everyone will be treated with respect- and maybe even love!  Such a restoration would bless not just one person, but everybody in the family.  And that is the hallmark of a truly healthy relationship- one that is good, not just for the abuser, but for everyone else who is involved, too.












The Wisdom Of Proverbs

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed….Proverbs 16:3           




By Rev. Renee Pittelli


            After you have forgiven an offender, at some point you will have to decide whether or not to reconcile your relationship.  The offender will expect everything to go back to normal after you tell him you’ve forgiven him, but you may not yet be comfortable with that.  Indeed, you may never be comfortable with that, especially after a major betrayal, a long history of abusive behavior, or a lengthy estrangement.

                We have all heard the old saying “A leopard never changes his spots”, but how many of us are aware that this is scripture from the Bible? In Jeremiah 13:23, we are told that wicked people aren’t going to change.  Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots?  Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil….Jeremiah 13:23.

                In Luke 17:3, Jesus tells us to forgive if the person who sinned against us repents.

He does not tell us to forgive unconditionally.  The offender must earn our forgiveness by repenting.  Repentance is not a mere apology.  It is turning from one’s hurtful ways and changing one’s behavior.  Only if an offender has truly changed her ways are we required by the Lord to forgive, as he forgives us- which he does only when we repent, not when we remain stiff-necked and stubborn and  continue in our sinful ways. 

                It is important to note that, even if the offender does repent and we do forgive, there is no scriptural requirement for us to reconcile.  We can forgive in our hearts and still choose not to expose ourselves to the abusive individual any longer.

                 There is a gray area between the two extremes of never changing, and completely changing.   There are abusers who never change in their hearts and whose character will always leave a lot to be desired, but who do manage to change their behavior and the way they relate to others, especially those who will enforce consequences for inappropriate words or actions.  For purely selfish reasons- because it benefits them- such people will make an effort to behave and speak appropriately, although they may do so grudgingly. In such a situation, you need to decide if you can be satisfied in a relationship with someone who may never be kind, honorable, trustworthy, loyal, or truly love you and want the best for you, but who has at least made an effort to modify his offensive behavior.

                If you should decide to attempt to reconcile with someone who has a long history of abusive behavior, or who has seriously betrayed you, it is quite natural that you will feel anxious that she will hurt you again.  Your fear of being hurt again is valid and should be respected.  Additionally, if other innocent parties are involved, such as your husband or your children, you may feel a responsibility to protect them from further exposure to the abuser.  There is no reason to trust an abusive, selfish, manipulative, dishonest, or disloyal person again, until she has proven herself and earned your trust.  Depending upon the circumstances and your feelings, this could take a long time- or may never happen.  Many abusers will not want to expend the effort, and will try to guilt you into returning to the way things were in your old relationship before you are ready.   They may try to convince you that they’ve changed, without being willing to prove it over time.

                Perhaps you genuinely love or miss the offender and would like to have a relationship, but you are afraid and don’t feel she can be trusted not to repeat what she did before.  If she has taken responsibility for her actions, acknowledged that what she did was wrong, genuinely apologized, and made an effort to make it up to you, that is certainly a good start.  Only time, perhaps a very long time, will tell if her change of heart is permanent.

                There is no time limit on the period necessary for you to feel comfortable in trusting a former abuser- feel free to insist upon as much time as you need. Those who try to pressure or rush you have their own agendas.   During this time, however, if reconciliation is your eventual goal, you will need to have some contact in order to observe for yourself if and how the offender has changed her ways.  If she apologizes, and you agree to think it over but decline any contact while doing so, you won’t have the opportunity to learn if she has truly changed or not.

                It is important to give yourself permission to establish whatever level of contact you are comfortable with, and set that as a ground rule for reconciling the relationship, at least in the beginning.  If a long-lost relative finally apologizes after years of estrangement, you probably will not feel comfortable spending the holidays together a couple of months later.  Your relative may expect, and hope for, that, but that may be just a little too much for you to handle having just recently been back in touch.  Yet another consideration is that, until you feel confident in knowing whether the reconciliation is going to last, you may not want your children to become attached, or re-attached, to a person who may not be around on a permanent basis.

                I have seen relationships that have reconciled very happily after long rifts, only to break up again a few years later, usually over something minor.  I think we are deluding ourselves when we think that a relationship which has suffered a major blow can ever go back to the way it was.  Betrayals, broken trusts, and long estrangements change a relationship forever- it will never be the same again. Reconciliation, should it occur, will be unstable and fragile, at least initially.  It is hard to overcome serious betrayals or years of not talking.  There may be imagined slights or insults, and any hint that the offensive behavior is still present will be (and probably should be) seen as a red flag that the offender hasn’t really changed.  In many cases, once relatives learn from a long rift that they can, indeed, survive just fine without each other, they are not as likely to tolerate abuse as they were in the past.  When old habits and patterns resurface, they are much quicker to walk away the second time, rather than continue to suffer through to the inevitable conclusion anyway.

                If we imagine restoring a relationship as a progression or continuum, with “choosing no further contact” at one extreme, and “spending holidays and important occasions together” at the other extreme, we realize that  there are  many levels, or degrees, of reconciliation  in between. We need to be able to say, “This is what I’m comfortable with at this point, and no more, at least for now.”  For instance, what type of relationship would you prefer at this time?:

  1. Forgiveness, but no further contact
  2. Exchanging pleasantries and being civil at funerals or weddings
  3. Exchanging Christmas cards
  4. An occasional letter or e-mail
  5. An occasional phone call
  6. Keeping conversations on a superficial level and not discussing or revealing anything personal
  7. More frequent letters, e-mails, or phone calls
  8. Meeting for coffee or lunch
  9. Meeting for coffee or lunch regularly
  10. Sharing more intimate information about your life, your hopes, dreams, etc.
  11. Sharing a dinner out together
  12. Visiting your relative
  13. Having your relative visit your home
  14. Allowing your relative to relate to your children or husband
  15. Having your relative to dinner in your home
  16. Sharing your birthday with your relative
  17. Regarding your relative’s birthday:

                Doing nothing

                Sending a card

                A phone call

                Buying a gift

                Singing Happy Birthday and helping blow out the candles

  1. Sharing other family events or milestones with your relative
  2. Sharing a holiday dinner
  3. Spending the holidays together
  4. Socializing with each other.
  5. Getting the spouses, children, and families together on a regular basis.


                All of these possibilities represent different levels of intimacy that take time to develop in any relationship, from a new acquaintanceship growing into a friendship, to the re-establishment of an old relationship that had broken up.  Depending upon your trust level, and what is done to earn your trust, a beneficial relationship would naturally progress to where you would feel less and less guarded and ready to reveal more and more of yourself.  As time passes, if the other person proves herself worthy, you will feel increasingly comfortable in her presence, and more ready to move on to the next level of sharing and intimacy.

                For example, you may have a co-worker with whom you enjoy eating lunch  but don’t necessarily feel close enough  to invite to dinner in your home.  Opening up one’s home to someone usually indicates that the relationship has reached a certain level of trust, comfort and familiarity.  You wouldn’t invite a casual acquaintance to an important family event, such as a child’s graduation or wedding.  To be included in one’s family milestones, holidays, etc., is a privilege usually reserved for close family and friends.  Such privileges are earned by caring, love, sharing, and friendship. We invite loved ones to such occasions to honor them and to show them how important they are to us, and how valued their presence is to our family. 

                As pleasant as your conversations are with, let’s say, your mailman, chances are you’re not going to invite him to join your close family circle on such a personal occasion.  The parents of one of your child’s classmates might be out of place at such a gathering.  Even though you get along fine while serving on the same school committee, that doesn’t necessarily mean they belong within your circle of close family and friends.  Maybe you simply haven’t reached that level of intimacy yet- or maybe you’ll never be more than just casual friends.

                In the same way, an estranged relative cannot expect to go from estrangement to sharing dinner at your house in the blink of an eye, with no steps in between.  After a serious betrayal by, or a long estrangement from a relative, you don’t have to be the same daughter, granddaughter, sister, or cousin that you were before.  The abuse, disloyalty, or break-up has probably affected you and changed you in a profound way, and in many ways, you are a different person than your abuser once knew.  Within this particular relationship, it’s better for you not to take a step backwards and return to the way things once were, but to use your experience as an opportunity to grow in the way you relate to your former offender.    All bets are off, so to speak, and if there is to be a fresh start, you need to approach it in a different manner. 

                 A reconciliation is like a negotiation.  We need to make our terms and expectations clear.  When someone has abused us or hurt us, we have every right to dictate the terms of any relationship we are willing to have with them from then on.   We are well within our rights to take control of a reconciliation, rather than leaving control in the hands of one who has a history of abusing it. 

                We need to have the self-esteem and confidence to say, “I’m willing to do _____ but I’m not willing to do____”, “I’m not ready for ______”, “I’m not comfortable with______ yet, or “Let’s just stick with _____for now and see how it goes”.  If at some time in the future, we begin to feel our trust building and see sincere change, we can always deepen the level of the relationship and move on to the next step.  And if we realize that we are never going to be interested in a more intimate relationship with this person, we have the freedom and right to make that choice as well.

                Caution, or perhaps even cautious optimism, is the watchword.  If an offender refuses to respect our comfort level and pressures us, or continues pushing for more and more, it is a red flag that this person is going to continue to manipulate, control, make selfish demands, and disrespect our boundaries in the future, just as he probably has in the past.

                Unfortunately, there will always be particular people with whom we will never feel comfortable sharing a deep relationship.  “Once burned, twice shy” is often true, and often the only way we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from some people is to maintain a level of vigilance and wariness throughout our dealings with them.  This can be exhausting and stressful, and only we can decide if it is worth it to have a relationship under those conditions.  Being in the presence of someone we don’t trust and can never really relax and enjoy ourselves around is a high price to pay just to have any kind of a relationship, no matter how superficial.

                  Sister, prayerfully consider what level you are comfortable with at this point in your reconciliation.  Do not allow yourself to be pressured by the desires of others, (especially the offender or his enablers), whose interests lie in returning everything quickly to the way it was before with as little effort as possible on their part.  Reconciling a broken relationship is not a race.  There is no reason to hurry. Take all the time you need to observe, consider, and ask our Father for guidance.  At each crossroad, pray and carefully consider taking the next step.

                Reconciliation is a work in progress.  It is perfectly acceptable to proceed with caution, and it is your responsibility not to expose yourself or your loved ones to more abuse because of a premature reconciliation.  If you are to have any relationship at all with an abuser, now is the time to redefine that relationship on your own terms.  It is up to the person you have been generous enough to forgive to show his gratitude by respecting your boundaries.



THE 3:16 S


Go and gather the elders of Israel together and say to them, “The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham of Isaac, and of Jacob, appeared to me, saying, “I have surely visited you and seen what is done to you in Egypt; and I have said I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt… a land flowing with milk and honey”…Exodus  3:16-17


Moreover I saw under the sun:  In the place of judgment, wickedness was there; and in the place of righteousness, iniquity was there.  I said in my heart, “God shall judge the righteous and the wicked, for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work.”….Ecclesiates 3:16-17


Now it came to pass at the end of seven days that the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me”….Ezekiel 3:16-17


Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego answered and said to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter.  If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king.”….Daniel 3:16-17


The Lord also will roar from Zion, and utter His voice from Jerusalem; the heavens and earth will shake; but the Lord will be a shelter for His people, and the strength of the children of Israel….Joel 3:16


When I heard, my body trembled; my lips quivered at the voice; rottenness entered my bones; and I trembled in myself, that I might rest in the day of trouble.  When he comes up to the people, he will invade them with his troops….Habakkuk 3:16


In that day, it shall be said to Jerusalem: “Do not fear; Zion, let not your hands be weak.  The Lord your God in your  midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing”…Zephaniah 3:16-17


Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, and the Lord listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord and who meditate on his name.  “They shall be mine.” says the Lord of hosts, “On the day that I make them My jewels.  And I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him”….Malachi 3:16-17


When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him….Matthew 3:16


John answered, saying to all, “I indeed baptize you with water; but One mightier than I is coming, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose.  He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”….Luke 3:16


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life….John 3:16


And His name, through faith in His name, has made this man strong, whom you see and know.  Yes, the faith which comes through Him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all….Acts 3:16


Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?  If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him.  For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are…..1 Corinthians 3:16-17


Nevertheless when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away….2 Corinthians 3:16


Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made.  He does not say, “And to seeds,” as of many, but as of one, “And to your

Seed,” who is Christ…..Galatians 3:16


That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man….Ephesians 3:16


Nevertheless, to the degree that we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us be of the same mind….Philippians 3:16


Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord….Colossians 3:16


Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every  way.  The Lord be with you all….2 Thessalonians 3:16


And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:  God was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Preached among the Gentiles, Believed on in the world, Received up in glory…..1 Timothy 3:16


For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, while it is said: “Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.”  For who, having heard, rebelled?  Indeed, was it not all who came out of Egypt, led by Moses?…..Hebrews 3:14-16


For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.  But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy…..James 3:16-17


But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; having good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed….1 Peter 3:15-16


And consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation- as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.  You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked….2 Peter 3: 15,16,17


By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us.  And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren….1 John 3:16


…..Above verses from the New King James Version


For more help on getting through the holidays with our “unique” family situations, see the articles in the “Happier Holidays” section of our website.


Dear Sisters,  Thank you all for your e-mails and cards, and also  for telling your friends about us and posting our site on your message boards and chat groups.  We have reached so many more  survivors this year because of your help!    You are a blessing to us!  We wish you all the most wonderful holidays!  May the peace of our King Jesus reign in your lives and his joy fill your hearts to overflowing.  In his love, Sisters Renee & Denise


Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!….2 Corinthians 9:15